Because we weren't meant for each other , so I could hope is for you to find someone whom you will treasure and love forever

Friday, August 24, 2012

Haters gonna hate , Bitchers gonna bitch

Okay , so today during CCA there were some random bitches who were shouting and laughing like nobody's bussiness -.- Bitch please ! you're not at home alone but in a public area filled with your juniors can you at least show some basic manners by not shouting and laughing like nobody's bussiness when your juniors especially me and my seniors are trying to sing ? if you don't like the CCA then just fucking quit it k ? this CCA doesn't need people like you -.-  only know how to act like those pretty girls , like prosititue sia might as well quit school and work at some prosititue house :) Seriously  -.-"

PS. when you sing , my windows break :) try not to sing in your fake voice can anot ? please luh those kind of voice you go karaoke book one room and then sing all you like lah hor don't come to the Music Room and treat it as your house liddat . want come then come for CCA , don't want come then heck care =_= I also don't want you to come

and also , do you know that colouring your hair is a no-no in this school ? bet you didn't :) just telling you now ^^ dye hair till so obvious -.- waiting for DM come catch you isit ? put on make up somemore =-=" faceplam sia . did anyone tell you that you'll never look pretty with and without makeup ? well then , if no one told you , I'll tell you now ! YOU WILL NEVER LOOK PRETTY WITH AND WITHOUT MAKEUP

it's the outside i'm looking at but the inside ... inside meaning your personality how good or bad you are but sad to say , you're bad inside out ^_^ too bad for you then ... hopefully the boyfriend you date won't be like you :P if not next time you children also same personality as you one :)


  1. HAhaha :) Totally true <3 Thanks sis !! Made me so much happier :D
